Skyline Family Game Night!
Join us for our next family night on Friday, February 7 at 6:30pm! Bring your family’s favorite table game or find a game to join in with your Skyline friends when you get there! This event will be in the school gym; popcorn and water will be for sale.
February PTO Meeting
Our next General PTO Meeting will be held on Thursday, February 20 at 6:30pm in the school library. All Skyline parents, guardians, teachers and staff are invited to join us. Agenda will be posted here a week before the meeting.
Volunteer with the PTO! We rely on our volunteers to run all of our programs and events – please sign up here to get involved by volunteering with the PTO! We will email you when opportunities come up according to your preferences. Volunteers working inside the building during the school day need to complete an annual background screening through our school district, then sign in at the office each time you visit the building.
Skyline PTO on Facebook: Follow the Skyline PTO on Facebook here.
If you have a child that attends Skyline Elementary, you are automatically a PTO member, and we’d love to have you involved in any or all of the great events and programs that we put on for our Skyline students.